We’ve been delivering training in mental health and wellbeing for many years and have a catalogue of ready-to-go training programmes.   

Our courses can be delivered in person or on line as 1 – 1 ½ hour ‘lunch and learn’ workshops, half day or full day workshops. 

We are creative in the use of online platforms and tools to deliver on learning objectives and bring the same energy to the remote workshops as we create in our face-to-face environment.

All of our courses are designed to empower attendees to share their own experiences and knowledge to ensure a rich learning experience.  We teach practical tools and exercises that employees are able to implement straight away.

View our Brochure by clicking the image below:

Topics currently available and their learning objectives:

Mental Health Awareness
  • Encourage more confidence to talk about mental health
  • Improve understanding of mental health stigma and its impacts
  • Become aware of different types of mental health conditions (including common and severe mental health conditions and personality disorders)
  • Learn how we can support someone who may be experiencing a mental health problem, or in or approaching crisis, and signposting to mental health services and support
  • Provide self-help tools for managing our own mental health


Building Your Personal Resilience
  • Understand what we mean by resilience and why we need it
  • Look at the variables that contribute to resilience
  • Consider what gets in the way of being resilient
  • Share tips for building resilience


Workplace Wellbeing
  • Increase understanding of mental health and wellbeing
  • Increase awareness of the specific challenges to positive mental health in the workplace due to the impact of the global pandemic
  • Improve confidence in starting conversations about mental health, including when there are performance issues
  • Understand the importance of proactively looking after your own mental wellbeing
It’s Time to Talk: Breaking Down Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace
  • Give an overview of the impact of mental health stigma on organisations
  • Examine the psychology and look at the reasons mental health stigma still exists, from self-stigma, social stigma and institutional stigma
  • Share ways that managers and employees can communicate effectively, seek help and provide supportive mechanisms
Understanding and Managing Stress
  • Look at the main features of our physiological stress response
  • Identify the unique factors that affect our stress levels
  • Give practical tips for relaxing and letting go
  • Share ideas for managing relationships and protecting our personal boundaries
Identifying and Managing Burnout
  • Identify indicators of burnout
  • Look at the impact of factors during the pandemic on our mental health
  • Understand the stages of burnout
  • Gain tips for dealing with burnout
Understanding and Managing Anxiety
  •  Look at the main features of our physiological stress response
  • Explain how stress and anxiety differ
  • Discuss how our beliefs and thinking patterns contribute to anxiety
  • Share practical tools to help reduce anxiety
Improving Your Sleep
  • Look at what we know about sleep and give an insight into sleep cycles
  • Suggest some practical tools for improving our sleep, incorporating basic concepts of cognitive behavioural therapy: sleep hygiene and sleep retraining
An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
  • Introduce the concept of Emotional Intelligence and its 5 pillars of self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship management and empathy.
  • Share practical tips and tools for improving your own Emotional Intelligence
  • Look at how emotional intelligence translates in the workplace and can improve people management skills
Mental Health Awareness for Parents
  • Understand what we mean by mental health
  • Learn about some of the contributing factors to a child developing mental health difficulties
  • Provide an overview of mental health conditions, in particular, those that most commonly affect children
Supporting Children with Mental Health Difficulties
  • Improve communication with your child
  • Learn how to support a child with a mental health condition
  • Help you and your child build resilience
Supporting Others
  • Invite a conversation about the importance of clear and effective communication, the barriers to this and how to overcome them
  • Give opportunities to practise active listening and top tips on communicating with a person in emotional distress


  1 hour – Lunch & Learn 1.5 hour Half Day Full Day
Online £150 £225 £450 £700
In person £200 £275 £500 £800

N.B. If travel or overnight stay outside of London is required for any of our courses, these expenses will be in addition to the fees above.
Please enquire for reduced pricing for charity and voluntary sector organisations.
We hold public indemnity insurance for all training and services.
Richmond Borough Mind is not VAT registered.