FREE ‘Navigating Stress in the Digital Age’ online workshop 
Monday 29th April, 8-9.30pm

Are you, or someone you care for, suffering from ‘Tech Stress’?

For Stress Awareness Month we explore how our fast-paced digital world is impacting our stress levels. Screen overload, social media notifications and distraction are ever present, but what does a healthy relationship with technology look like?

This enlightening online workshop:

· Looks at the impact of digital use on our stress levels and explores the effects of prolonged screen time
· Considers what healthy digital use is and uncovers ways to set boundaries, reduce screen fatigue and prioritise self-care
· Shares techniques and tips for managing ‘Tech Stress’

Whether you’re a student, professional, parent or carer, this workshop is for you. So  join us for a digital check-in to reclaim your digital wellbeing!

Your invitation to sign up is here.